A Trust Based Approach For Secure Access Control In Information Centric Network

Sapna Singh, Archana Puri, Shiksha Smreti Singh, Anurika Vaish, S. Venkatesan


The world requires a transition from the classical node centric network to an information centric network. Publish/Subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm (PSIRP) being one of the paradigms for future networking is grabbing vast attention of the internetworking user group as a captivating communication paradigm because of its flexibility, desired functionality and performance. Thus, increase in the number of user groups, causes increase in the demand for information access. Consequently, it induces various security concerns. So far most of the researches related to security in publish/subscribe system are concentrated on secure routing, caching and transmission of the information. Access control is a crucial domain of security which cannot be overlooked and requires sincere attention. In this paper a trust driven approach to implement secure access control on the information is proposed. This ensures information availability on demand to the authorized users based on their trust level with the network. The mechanism is illustrated with the help of example usage scenarios.

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